


I have had parenting on the brain a lot for the last few days.  It can be directly linked to my Maternal and Child nutrition class and my brother and sister-in-law who are expecting.

The closest I have ever to parenting is babysitting.  You and I know that is kind of like saying I have been downhill skiing in Illinois-aka not even close to the  real thing.  So I really don’t get to have an opinion.  We spend so much time studying and pondering over what is the right way to raise a child and what the wrong way to raise a child.  Of course there are some wrongs that are just really wrong but I kind of feel like there are no true rights.  What works with one child my not for another.





My maternal and child teacher has 2 small boys.  As a dietician she thought she would have “no trouble” getting her kids to eat everything but they are both really picky.


Isn’t it a good thing we don’t get to choose our own offspring.  Mine would be so boring.


Breakfast this morning was simple good and made more fridge space


Cantaloupe, yogurt, oats, and more honey than I really needed



Have a great Tuesday











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